Hi everybody, today's challenge is all about saving energy. A lot of you guys think you are good environmentalists but some of you forget.... Wen you're charging or electronics you usually leave them charge over night but by doing that after you get full battery you Are still sleeping and you are using energy for nothing and also your electronic device can get destroyed this way.
Hi everyone, if I end up writing a post one day please do it on the day and if the next day I do not have time to write a post you can simply do the post that was for the day before. Anyway today I want to tell you guys something, sometimes I go to a city park or in a green area I see garbage cans, then I see garbage all around them so I figure that the can must be full then I go check and no I was wrong, the can is barely full. Please actually throw garbage where it belongs because I can get really frustrated with these kind of things. Ps: be green By: Stella
Hi everyone, I know I have not written any posts for a couple of days but it is hard for me to always write a new post. I am really busy this year but do not worry at all I will always try my hardest to make time for you guys. Anyway today we will do a challenge to help air pollution stop. Air pollution is what I really want to work on this year because this is affecting our environment a lot this generation. The challenge is something mostly for the adults. I know this might seem weird but you can atleast try, taday try not to smoke any cigarettes or cigars... Believe it or not this affects our environment and your health. I he you guys try to do this and please tell people about 1actaday because the more people the bigger the difference.
For everyone who does not smoke or is a child here is a mini challenge: Eat healthy all day. I know you might think "all the leftovers of my food like (apple coars, banaa peels, leftover vegies...) still go to garbage." If you leave them in your garden or in a grassy area eventually they will slowly "melt" into the ground and that will fertilize the ground believe it or not.
Hope you and your friends participate! Ps: be green By: Stella
Hey everyone sorry, I've been very busy this week and i tried to write a post for you guys but I didn't have any time. Anyway today we're going to work on saving andnot wasting. So today every time you go to the washroom, when you wash your hands try to use less soap or when you're taking a shower try to use less shampoo... When you brush your teeth try to use less tooth paste ( I think you know what I mean).
For all the days that I have not written a post this week I'll give you guys a normal challenge to do when you have time today. Try not to use any straws today.(I know I may be repeating a few challenges from last year but please get mad at me, I'm still human I am not a robot, its hard for me always thinking up challenges for you guys)