We challenge everyone to do one small green act every day to make our planet a better place. Please join us in our journey.
July 01, 2013
I really really apologise! I'm so sorry !!!!!
Hey! I really apologise for not being able to write any posts since last Thursday, the WI -FI at my house didn't want to work at aaaallllllll! I was so disappointed !
So things happen and I think every challenge should last for 3 days because maybe my WI-FI won't be working again.
So for these three days I think everyone should recycle something! Not by putting something recyclable in the recycling bin but making something out of it! Here are some ideas:
Thank you very much!(I didn't make those things in the picture, I got them from google images but you should see the ones I acually made at my house) Also thank you a lot for commenting and and enjoying! Hope you share and like!
What a great artist you are Stellitsa! Proud of you!
Thank you very much!(I didn't make those things in the picture, I got them from google images but you should see the ones I acually made at my house) Also thank you a lot for commenting and and enjoying!
Hope you share and like!
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