Many people are constantly busy. Including me. I have been caught up with school work for quite a long time. I never forgot about this blog and always kept thinking to myself that I should really take into consideration that I am almost forgetting a important and valuable part of my life. I want to create a fresh start. I want to have a schedule for when I create posts etc. I really believe that if you truly enjoy something, you can make time for it no matter what, That is exactly what I am going to do.
I would like to begin by writing posts that are more comprehensible and significant. I have looked back at my older posts from years ago and have realized that they are not all that great. I was younger and did not know many things well, but I will make up for all of it, the time lost etc.
I truly believe that I can take 1actaday to the next level. I really hope this can go somewhere. I might only be 13 years old but together we can create a difference and a big one too.
One last thing I would like to mention: Thank you! I want to thank every single person that has supported me through the past few years. I was so happy every time I saw that I had gotten a page view. Hopefully I will succeed and raise awareness about many issues. Our planet is truly fascinating, but if we do not make change, our future generations will be suffering. Thank you for undersanding and reading this. :)
A difference can be made. We all just have to put in a little effort, including me!
By: Stella Eleftheriotis Ps: Be green!