
July 21, 2013

Hi i was on vacation...

Hi guys, I feel sooooooooooooo bad for not writing posts for days,
I was on vacation, I was and still am, but I had went to Paris and there was no WI-FI and now I just came to Greece and we caught WI-FI so i just started to write(type) this. Today's challenge is to try to keep your freezer full because this helps save energy.It helps because each "item"keeps the other item next to it cold (more like frozen).
PS:be green

July 10, 2013

When you go to the...

Hi everyone today I have a challenge for you guys (it's a bit obvious) and so today's challenge is:
When you go to the bathroom and there is no toilet paper usually you throw the empty roll in the mini garbage can next to you but today you will get up take the empty roll throw it in your recycling bin and obviously get a new toilet paper roll!
PS: be green

July 09, 2013

If your sleeping or you're in a other room....

Hey guys, today's challenge is something that we all forget to do very often. When your in a room and you turn on the lights usually you stay in that room for a bit but when you leave the room some of us don't turn the lights off. Also when your  alone in the house or your with some people and everyone is sleeping but you, and then you decide to go to bed again some of us leave the tv on or don't close the lights... etc
Today we will do the opposite, we will turn of anything that is on before we go to bed and when we leave a room we will turn off the lights!

PS: be green

July 07, 2013

Sorry guys I didn't have time....

Hi everyone I'm sorry about yesterday, I  didn't have time to write a post because I was really busy packing my luggage. Anyway I think today since it's summer some people like to play video games and here's an example of the challenge:
Let's say you play video games for 2 or 3 hours subtract one hour of your gaming  so if you do game for 2 hours today you will game for one hour! Even if you don't play any video games you should subtract one hour  of your computer time!


ps:be green

July 05, 2013

Use a reusable...

Hi everyone I think the one challenge for every three days is not really working so today's challenge is to use a reusable bottle instead of a  plastic bottle and if you can do it every day!
Ps: be green 

By: Stella

July 01, 2013

I really really apologise! I'm so sorry !!!!!

Hey! I really apologise for not being able to write any posts since last Thursday, the WI -FI at my house 
didn't want to work at aaaallllllll! I was so disappointed !

 So things happen and I think every challenge should last for 3 days because maybe my WI-FI won't be working again. 
So for these three days I think everyone should recycle something! Not by putting something recyclable in the recycling bin but making something out of it! Here are some ideas:


Have fun crafting!
ps: be green 

By: Stella